
the big reveal

Hello loyals, no I haven't dropped off the face of the earth....at least I think I haven't. I have some wonderful news to share with you all - for those that don't already know, Larry and I are expecting our first baby due to arrive in early July. I'm presently 16 weeks. Yay! We are beyond thrilled, excited, anxious, and any other emotion a new parent could possibly go through. Up until a few weeks ago, my days consisted of going to work, come home, eat and sleep...seriously. Although I lucked out in the morning sickness department, this pregnancy really drained me in every way. 

Now that I am starting to feel more energetic I will be playing catch up on the blog, so please bear with me. I still have photos I have to upload from around the holidays for you guys, but for now I'll leave you with a photo we took when we broke the news to our families. It didn't quite come out the way we expected (read: we wanted everyone with open mouths, eyes popping out of their sockets, you get the idea) but didn't quite get that. In fact, hubby and I look like we are up to no good in this photo (which we were). I bet had we wanted a "normal" picture we would have had the opposite result. (If you look really closely, you can see my baby bump - don't say I never gave you anything). ;) 

Enjoy your Tuesday! 

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  1. Congratulations!! What a wonderful picture of your family! I am so happy for you and Larry. You deserve all the best!! Many blessings as you begin this beautiful journey in life!


Thank you for leaving some love. xo, Rosa


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